Molecular formula:

  • KH₂PO₃
  • CAS NO.:13997-65-6

The typical characteristic for MiKP:

  • Fungicide application:a significant bactericidal effect,especially kill Botrytis,cinerea,fusarium speciation type of cucumber,red corn mildew,fruit rot mold,rhizoctonia cerealis,slerotinia and large dahliae.
  • Enhancement of the plant’s natural defense mechanism.
  • Improved plant nutrient health.
  • Higher solids content.
  • Increased yield.
  • Post harvest quality enhancements.
  • Improved foliar uptake of cations (i.e. K, Ca, Mg, Mn).

Advantages of Phosphites over Phosphates:

  • Readily taken up through foliage of many species including citrus and avocado.
  • Potassium phosphite oxidizes to phosphate in air making it an excellent compound for continuous supply of phosphate to the plant.
  • Phosphite fertilizers in the soil provide a steady supply of available phosphorous to the plant roots as compared to phosphate and superphosphate fertilizers where, as a result of phosphate fixation in the soil, only a fraction of the phosphate is actually available to the plant.
  • Effectively controls specific species of Oomycetes and some species of Phytophthora, therefore combining nutrition value and fungicidal / fungi static properties (it is not registered as a fungicide).
  • Stimulates the plant’s metabolism to synthesize allelopathic chemicals (phytoalexins) which aids in the fight against invading pathogens


  • 25kg PP bag,PE bag
  • 500kg/1000kg BB